For Participants
Do you meet the following criteria?
You are age 18 or older
You reside in the United States
You speak and read English
You do not have a current psychiatric or neurological diagnosis
You have a reliable Wi-Fi network in your home
You do not have a current diagnosis of a sensitive skin condition
If so, consider participating in a research study on how dreaming impacts spiritual experience and the way people relate to God.
If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to do the following activities:
Complete an online survey for 1 1/2 hours.
A randomly chosen half of the individuals enrolled in the study will be asked to wear a nighttime headband that records brain wave activity while you sleep for eight hours each night at your home. If you are chosen for this activity, a headband will be mailed to you. Once it is received, a staff member will contact you and show you (via Zoom) how to wear the headband. You will be asked to download an app onto your laptop or phone so that encrypted data from the headband can be transmitted to a secure database. You may receive follow-up contact from a member of the research team if the headband is not transmitting data properly due to an imperfect fit or other issues.
Complete daily diaries and a short prompt before bed every night for two weeks that will be submitted on Qualtrics and should take 30 minutes per night. For participants who receive a headband, these entries will correspond to the two-week period you are wearing the headband at night.
Record your nighttime dreams and sleep quality ratings and complete a short survey each morning during the same two-week period as Activity 3 that will be submitted on Qualtrics and should take 20 minutes per morning.
Participate in a 1:1 online interview over Zoom for 60 minutes.
Review interview transcript via email for 10-15 minutes.
If you participate, you will be asked questions about:
Your age, gender, race, educational level, work status.
Your family and medical problems, including any medications you take.
Your personality, your sleep habits, your nighttime dreams, your personal relationships, your spiritual thoughts, and your daily mood changes.
After you complete 2 weeks of Activities 2-6 above, you will be paid $200.00. If you complete only one week of Activities 2-6, you will receive $100.00.
This study is funded by: The John Templeton Foundation Grant #62034.
Patrick McNamara
Professor of Psychology at Northcentral University